Spiritual issues are interwoven with psychological and emotional health. Spirituality is a vehicle that allows us to transcend from the limitations of the day to day mundane, and become aware that we are all inextricably connected. Unlike any other social structured or establishment spirituality can not be understood fully by psychology and the normal social processes. Spirituality focuses on the sacredness of being deeply connected to one ultimate truth, as they are the truths of humanity.
Successful healing is not effectively gained through outside establishments, groups, religions or people. The journey of healing is found by going within the heart. Spiritual healing involves qualities of the mind such as; love, compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude. All characteristics which create awareness that transcends the mind into seeing new and supportive realities individually as well as globally.
Some words that identify karma are; action, projection, misunderstanding, and lesson. Therefore, karma is generated. Karma has nothing to do with punishment. It is based on the idea of cause and effect. Every person has karmic patterns that create negative experiences and negative emotional energy. Contrary to popular belief, negative emotional energy is not a natural response in most situations, it is a habitual self destructive response, which causes us to be out of alinement with our truest sense of self and our creator.
The Maya, back in 2012, referred to the new paradigm and new consciousness as the “end of the world”. During this global transition everyone on the planet is ascending spiritually. This means individuals are noticing more things are out of balance, personally as well as globally, and they are experiencing more emotional triggers as a result.
There are many names for Karma clearings and there are many types of karmic clearings. Some karmic themes are:
1. Clearing past life programs, contracts, and chords
2. Clearing blocks to empowerment and self esteem
3. Clearing blocks of self punishment, victimization
4. Clearing self sabotaging behavior and self destruction and a desire to suffer
5. Clearing family and ancestral karma
6. Clearing blocks of feeling undeserving and unworthy
7. Clearing blocks of guilt and shame
8. Clearing blocks of lack, limitation and poverty consciousness
9. Clearing blocks of codependency and addiction
10. Clearing blocks self disempowerment
Karma clearings and past life clearings are often referring to the same thing. Regardless of the name, a karmic clearing is a process where limiting and sabotaging core beliefs and judgements are identified and cleared by integrating the knowledge.
Some indications of needing a karmic clearing are; health problems, addictions, imbalanced relationships, financial problems, brain fog, memory loss, learning issues, having unexplained and intense negative emotions, not feeling connected to the world, not being able to stay present, anxiety and depression.
Many psychologist as well as spiritualist teach different forms of karmic clearing. The important steps to karmic clearing are awareness of the spiritual/psychological block, what caused the block and how to integrate the new awareness. This can be done through a psychic reading, past life regression reading or clinical psychological testing. As a Master Psychic Healer who specializes in karmic clearings I integrate both spiritual and psychological practices into my clearing methods.
If you our someone you know suffers from karmic looping and other forms of karma you may want to attend my beginners karmic clearing workshop October 29, 2015 from 7pm-9pm. http://www.meetup.com/Holistic-and-Spiritual-Transitions/events/193401522/
For more intense clearings consider a psychic soul reading combined with spiritual healing. What Is A Psychic Soul Reading and Spiritual Clearing?
Eckhart Tolle, spiritualist and author of the “The Power of Now “ states that “…there is such a thing as old emotional pain living inside you.” It is an accumulation of painful life experience that were not fully faced and accepted in the moment it arose. It leaves behind an energy form of emotional pain. The energy from the emotional pain comes together with other energy forms from other instances, and so after some years you have a “pain-body” an energy entity consisting of old emotion. Pain-body is an accumulation of stagnant negative emotions caused by experiences that were not faced, accepted and eventually integrated with the victim’s energy field.
My work primarily consists of channeling into my client’s unconscious and sabotaging habits, conditions and reflexes (pain-body) that block them from manifesting their own desires. I psychically connect with one’s soul in order to advise them in their specific needs and guide them to their soul’s path and purpose. Through a step-by-step and individualized program, I provide life coaching and design strategies to ensure success for my clients in order to holistically improve their well-being spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.
Individuals who experience the following symptoms can benefit from my services:
*Anyone that suffers from anxiety, depression, extreme anger/rage, and any other negative emotions
*Recovery from any addiction(s) Individuals who suffer from ADD/ADHD, OCD, and PTSD
*Individuals who suffered psychic trauma
*Anyone who was in an accident and is still recovering
*Anyone having a hard time moving past a break up or death of a loved one
*Anyone who is suffering emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
*Anyone recovering from chronic or acute illness
*Anyone who has and/or is still experiencing living or working in toxic environments
Laura Schwalm’s service offers:
Psychic Soul Reading & Healing – $150.00 (90 minutes) I channel into my client’s unconscious and sabotaging habits, conditions and reflexes (pain-body) that block them from manifesting their own desires and then, use aromatherapy healing to stimulate olfactory nervous system, angelic tuners open the third eye and work with etheric chakras, use aura tuners to clear and balance chakras and repair any rips, holes and tears. Then, I will utilize tuning forks to release stagnant energy held within the body. I will also utilize crystals to adjust energy imbalances in the chakras and hypnosis to clear and reprogram the unconscious mind.
To read Laura’s testimonials please go to http://www.pureenergyhealer.com
Holistic and spiritual Transitions is in NYC and St. Augustine Florida!